Sam Adams – Simple

This commercial for Samuel Adams Boston Lager was a blast to make – I used a range of 50′s ephemera; images from catalogs, magazines, etc. reworking, recombining and collaging the elements in Photoshop.

The 2 dimensional source material was then given extra depth and dimension by creating layers that stretch into z-space.. Essentially it’s two-and-a-half dimensional. Characters can turn slightly and appear fully three dimensional, but from a full side view you can see that they are made up completely of flat layers.

The sound was finished at Wayne Kozaks studio in Vancouver – they gave us just the right sound and found us just the right voice-over talent. Cheers Wayne!

I created this back in 2003. Wow. That’s a long time ago!

-Nathaniel Akin


  • Director: Nathaniel Akin
  • Studio: Global Mechanic
  • Producer: Tina Oullette
  • Animation: Nathaniel Akin
  • Sound: Wayne Kozak